Extracting the dangers of PCOS

Project Naari
4 min readDec 2, 2020

The arena of women's health is quite complex in a socio-economic society, and it requires deep analysis for the flourishment of a healthy community. Well, the opening line might awestruck you but it simply means that the female emotions are complex assets of society. The enthusiasm and happiness of a woman light up the cheerful faces of her family. Even a tiny discomfort caused to her can tilt the scales. Conditions like PCOS can cause prolonged stress and worries in a normal household, and if it goes unchecked, can create worse scenarios. PCOS can be related and categorized like any other lifestyle diseases which can be diagnosed and treated at ease.

The past decade has visualized a quick growth for the syndrome, which can be accounted to the change in diet patterns and overall lifestyle activities within the younger population. In a few cases, it tends to happen genetically too. Gynecologists and obstetricians nowadays see a dynamic and alarming rise in appointments related to PCOS, even more than pregnancies. The shocking factor is patients only tend to take medical opinions in the earlier stages and will care less about undertaking an active treatment. The ignorance shown towards the developments of their diagnoses might push them towards a harsh journey. In order to avoid this scenario, women, especially those who fall under the risk category of ages between 20 and 30, should consult and diagnose frequently even if they are facing the mildest symptoms.

In biological terms, PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is caused by the upsurge of androgens (or male hormones) in the female body that upsets the ovulation and menstruation cycle, by either prolonging or reducing it. This imbalance will lead to the formation of fluid-filled sacs called cysts in the ovary, which can prove to be a barrier for fertilization and also a major factor for causing much distressing pain and discomfort for a PCOS patient. After reading the textbook definition, we might feel that there is no necessity to link it with the category of lifestyle diseases. The entire screenplay of hormones functions on the basis of our diet. The caption of ‘Food is Mood’ is literally factual. When there is a higher intake of insulin, the female body tends to produce androgens directly proportional to the insulin level. In addition to this, when physical activity is reduced to an extent, it will majorly cause a defect in the balance of hormone production, increasing insulin levels at its peak. Thus we can easily classify PCOS as a major lifestyle disorder. In order to keep track and be in control, women under the risk category should make keep a check with their diet plans and exercise routines. All these preventive measures are not just for eradicating PCOS, but also various other lifestyle ailments.

For the treatment of ovarian cysts, gynecologists normally start with basic medications that include supplements. The diagnosis of PCOS is mainly done through an ultrasound scan and routine blood tests that will be helpful in determining serum and hormonal levels. Advanced diagnosis is also conducted in the form of swab tests and direct collection of the serum. The primary diagnosis starts with measuring the size of a full-grown ovarian cyst. If it’s within 4 cm, it won’t cause much discomfort to the patient and is easily treatable. If it varies between 4 cm and 10 cm, it can prove to be dangerous and can cause heavy discomfort. At this stage, the gynecologist will refer for frequent appointments and diagnosis for analyzing the growth of the cysts, along with heavy medications. The role of medical treatment can’t be ignored and patients should meticulously work it out, along with proper diet and exercise.

Advanced stages of PCOS occur when the cyst grows for a size above 10 cm. A cyst with this dimension cannot be treated with medications and should require surgery for its removal. When the growth of a cyst goes unchecked, it might tend to be tumorous which can lead to cancer, thus creating the necessity for surgery. The medicine universe has advanced to its peak, with major developments in the field of surgery which includes laparoscopy and key-hole surgery. Surgeons can diagnose and conduct the surgery at much better ease, causing the least discomfort to the patient in the aftermath of the surgery. In a few cases, there might the presence of a collection of cysts throughout the ovary and the uterus, where the only option is to remove the uterus to avoid any further complications in the future. This is a rare scenario seen in older patients, especially those who are nearing menopause.

The last few lines might sound a bit scary regarding the characteristics and nature of PCOS, but it won’t always tend to lead to those situations if the necessary precautions, treatment, and awareness are taken into consideration. The occurrence of PCOS at an early stage of life might not raise any concerns, but in a marital setting, PCOS can affect processes like family-planning. It plays a notorious role in the rise of fertility clinics throughout the nation, laying a shadow over the very phenomenon of motherhood. In a highly demanding and competitive corporate world, women are striding with excellence, claiming the top of the ladder. Even in this scenario, PCOS acts as a barrier for her to continue breaking the glass ceilings. All these scenarios create hurdles to break stereotypes, killing her voice and vision. In order to wipe away these hurdles, the campaign against PCOS must turn out to be fruitful, where every individual irrespective of gender should aware themselves of the condition, in order to brighten up each and every soul of the nation.

Written by Navaneeth
Designed by Dheeraj

