Alpha She-Wolves

Project Naari
5 min readMar 27, 2021
Warrior Women

Women are Tigresses- Powerful, Mighty and Dynamic. Leave a tigress alone, and she will hunt down anyone who tries to trespass against her.

Since ancient times we’ve been witnessing all sorts of scenarios to bring women down. A woman’s status is a very critical factor in judging the success of any society. But this was a far cry, considering that the past civilisations and societies have been governed solely by male domination. Since forever women have been told to shush down their opinions and have no role in decision making. All glories, success and wins were just meant for men, while women were considered good for nothing but household chores. A woman used to be considered as a man’s possession; first her father’s and then a forever slave to her husband. Female foeticide was a burning issue. Having a girl child was considered to be such a disgrace that people rather preferred killing their unborn daughters. If a girl was born, she won’t get the same care and nurture as a boy would get; no large celebrations on her birth, no educational opportunities and zero to little respect. There was obviously never a room for equality in a community like this. Before marriage there was a huge dowry that had to be given in order to provide a “happy household” to one’s daughter. The households were never really happy though, full of domestic violence, sexual harassment and slavery of the woman. Honour killings, marriage by abduction and women trafficking are just some more forms of violence and injustice that were common in the days. Such patriarchal society was inhumane and inconsiderate, and led to immense suffering for women.

Woman are so acquainted and used to being let down and forced upon by a major section of the society. There seemed no room for hope when every single soul from around and from within her family was ever-ready to judge her and show her down. Alone one would consider her to be doomed and pitiful. But one shall rather pity the fool who thought women are such cowards. In a world full of hungry wild dogs, she is a Tigress. Just like that mighty beast, she’s capable enough to hunt down anything alone. All the pains that she’s suffered and all the lessons that she’s been taught have given her the capability to stand on her feet confidently even if she’s solo. She proves that indeed Seclusion is Bliss and overcomes everything that is supposed to destroy her. Indeed there’s nothing stronger than a broken woman who rebuilt herself.

“You’ll try to shutter her into bits, leaving her scarred and lost,

But she won’t let scum hinder her Grace.”

The idol state of Tigers though, bring about their other quality to the frame- Combative.

Since ages women have been taught to consider other women as nothing but a competition. Be that any matter in hand, they often end up being compared to each other. The root of all this- the society which shows no discomfort in showering women with their never ending demands and pressures. Moreover it uses them as quantities to measure the worth of all women. Beauty, oh beauty, the most essential of all, proves to be the top most priority in judging a woman. She who is fair, she who is sleek yet curvy, with long hair and beautiful features is considered to be the Kohinoor in midst of all other ugly stones. She who is decent, vulnerable, “Sanskari” and succumbs to defeat easily is definitely the ideal woman for any husband. She who knows how to cook, do the dishes and can bear kids is the most perfect in all aspects, “she’s the complete woman”. One must dread hearing the words “Look at your friend, she’s so much more accomplished because she has a happy household ” or “It’s a shame how your sister ended up so beautiful, but you…”. Such criterions of judgement know no bound. What’s worse is how people believe on these judgements and choose a woman like they’re choosing a bread of sheep, only the comparisons make no sense whatsoever.

The unending pressures of this community that we live in paves way to such unhealthy conflicts between women. They often end up in spiteful scenarios just to prove that they are better than other ladies and therefore should be showered upon with better prospects in matters of a husband or work.

One might wonder what would happen if such magnificent queens all reign together rather than against. Heaven would befall upon this world.

The dreadful competitors are so good that they bring any quarrel to shame because they are worthy winners in their own skin and need no competition to prove it. If their confidence, beauty and intellect are all aligned together, no society would dare stand a chance to be able to belittle them. The women who support each other definitely deserve a special world in heaven, because these goddesses fix each other’s crowns and take pride in doing so. To quote it -“Women alone have power, together they have impact.” The tiniest of the instances, from girls going to the washroom together to discuss the scandalous scene happening outside, to the gracious help of giving sanitary pads or pain killers, without questions, to one in need; from the code signals girls give each other to warn about trouble around, to fixing each other’s wardrobe mishaps to avoid public eye; all just prove how adamantine and perpetual sisterhood is. A gang of girlfriends who fight together is unwavering in the wind of all the threats that the haters possess. Supportive women are empowered warriors who’re victorious out of the war, and come flickering forth like glistening gold.

Women are terrific tigresses; they look trouble in the eye and roll their eyes at it.

But when a woman becomes an Alpha she-wolf, with a pack of Alpha she-wolves next to her; trouble itself runs away, doe-eyed and pitiful, with its tail between the legs.


Written with a vision by Jyotika.

Designed with love by Upasana.

